Meet Brenda


Hi, I'm Brenda, a Somatic Movement Coach and Registered Massage Therapist and have been practicing the art of multi-modal bodywork for almost 20 years. I am based in Canmore, Alberta, and offer offer in-person and online Somatics lessons, online Movement classes and Massage Therapy sessions.

I love being active and don’t like being in pain. I’m passionate about helping people improve their quality of life, move better and feel more comfortable in their bodies. It brings a smile to my face, a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart, and immense satisfaction.

Why do I practice Somatics?

Somatic exercises are my go to for a daily movement practice. Through the exercises I have discovered a greater sense of being in my body. Of feeling embodied. Being on the receiving end of one-on-one sessions takes it to another level, and between the two methods has brought relief to a chronic hip flexor issue that stretching was only making worse. Thanks to Somatics, my most favourite of winter sports, cross country skiing, is once again a pain-free activity. (After many years of it not being so!)

For me, it’s also about preventing injuries and degeneration to my joints. I want to hike in the mountains, or at least wander in the forest, until I’m 100 yrs old!

Every day I see someone whose quality of life could be improved by learning how to release their chronic muscle tension with the somatic exercises. Earlier today, I saw a woman at the grocery store limping in obvious pain. Her right hip was hiked up and her waist was contracted. She had right hip and shoulder pain – which is typical for an overly-contracted waist. She is on the list to have a hip replacement. Restoring function to her right waist muscle would reduce her pain, and if she still needed hip surgery, her recovery would be faster with a functional waist.

Introducing my clients to somatic exercises has played a major role in helping them become aware of their habits and patterns and release tension in muscles that previously seemed to have a mind of their own.

Why do I practice Massage?

I love helping my clients Zen out, release tension, and unwind from their stressful busy lives. Receiving a massage can be a relaxing experience allowing you to connect with different parts of your body that you didn’t know were holding tension.

What led me to study Clinical Somatic Education

My introduction to Clinical Somatics came one day when I was chatting with one of my sisters. She had a history of on-going pain issues with scoliosis and over the years, had tried everything.

She shared her experience of a weekend horseback riding workshop that included Somatic Movement classes. Afterwards she followed up with one-on-one sessions with the practitioner, to further address her pain issues.

The results: She had less pain, felt more comfortable in the saddle and could ride for much longer before she felt discomfort. And her horse also felt smoother to ride because she was sitting much more balanced in the saddle and not so lopsided. A balanced rider = a balanced horse.

Inspired to help my clients achieve even greater benefits, I took my sisters advice: “You should study this!”

I believe somatic exercises bridge the gap between short term relief and long term results. It is truly amazing when you can finally feel good again in your own body and get back to doing the things you love to do.

That’s why I’m here:

To help you get started.


“ And the wind said:

May you be as strong as the Oak,

yet flexible as the Birch,

may you stand tall as the Redwood,

and [move] gracefully as the Willow [ ], all of your days"

adapted from the writing of --a North American Prayer